Thursday, August 14, 2014

Clap Along if you feel like Happiness is the Truth

Today was such a wonderful day I had a difficult time not smiling all day long, and now my cheeks hurt. We had 2 great meetings with new knitting groups. Area 50 Zone PLHIV group and Mphatso PLHIV group. The Area 50 group is already established group that has been knitting together for 2 years. The group started by knitting dolls and teddy bears to give to children who were taking care of their sick parents or were sick themselves. The group started with just 7 individuals and has now grow significatenly to approximately 40+ members. They are very resourceful, using found materials to make items with such as plastic bags and tape from VHS or cassettes. The items they are making are incredible. The bags they make from plastic bags and tape are lined with fabric that are very practical. We got a lot of marketing ideas and insight about the fuction of the group which is very advanced andorganized  with a board and chairs. 
After a brief lunch and relaxation (read: picking up knitting materials and lunch) we went to meet our newest knitting group, the Mphatso PLHIV group. This is a group we meet through the Lighthouse Program that is interested in learning how to knit and sell their wares in the community. I brought tons of yarn and knitting needles for the group. They were thrilled with the supplies and the prospect of knitting. After we passed out the supplies everyone got immediately to knitting without much assistance. While the Area 50 group is a mix of men and women this group is predominately women. It is great to promote the empowerment of women in a male-dominant society. 
We are looking forward to working with both groups and buys some of the amazingly made items to help support them on their journeys. Speaking and working with each group has left me with a permanant smile on my face and I can't wait to see what the next week brings. 

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