Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Knitting circles!

Today was another fantastic day. When we reached Mtsiliza we saw that they had purchased tons of yarn with the money from the sale of their scarves to Knit Around the World the previous week. The products that we saw today are fantastic! Here's a preview of some:
A baby hat and booties, not from a patterns and with no instructions or outside help!
Here's a ruffle scarf with short rows to make the ruffles (knitters will know this is no easy feat). 
I am so proud of this group and their innovations and creativity. After answering some quick questions and commending them on their impressive skills we got a chance to sit in on their group therapy and support meeting. They discussed health advice as well as an advice box for problems that can be shared and address anonymously. They made their own knitting circle! I'm beyond ecstatic to see them knitting and giving each other support, they are making the Knit Around the World mission a reality and its inspiring to see.
Thanks for all your support!

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